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ABI Test with PVR

Preventive Care

Ankle-Brachial Index test is done by measuring the blood pressure of an individual at the ankle and in the arm while the patient is at rest. This test is done to ensure that a patient doesn’t have peripheral arterial disease of the legs or to gauge the effectiveness of the treatment.
Preventive healthcare helps in staying healthy protecting from infections and diseases. It includes several types of medical tests and screening, which can detect symptoms of any approaching illness. Vaccination is performed accordingly to avoid further health complications.

Allergy Testing

Primary Care

Primary care is the day-to-day healthcare given promoting health, disease prevention, health maintenance, counseling, patient education, diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic illnesses. 

Allergies are very common and increasing in the United States. To provide effective medical help to our patients, we first find out what our patients are allergic to. We use allergy tests and medical history of the patient to discover things that cause the allergic reactions.

Annual Physicals

Sleep Apnea Evaluation

Annual physical examinations are the comprehensive check-ups that are performed once every year. These exams are important to maintain your health and prevent future health problems.

Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder that occurs when a person's breathing is interrupted during sleep. People with untreated sleep apnea stop breathing repeatedly during their sleep, sometimes hundreds of times. This means the brain -- and the rest of the body -- may not get enough oxygen.

Arterial Doppler

Stress Tests

An arterial ​doppler is an ultrasound exam of the arteries located in your arms or legs that can detect problem-related to blood circulation and blockage in arteries.

An exercise stress test is primarily used to help determine if your heart receives enough oxygen and proper blood flow when it needs it most, such as when you are exercising.

Carotid Doppler


It is an imaging test that uses ultrasound to examine the carotid arteries located in the neck. This noninvasive test can show narrowed carotid arteries that provide blood to the brain.
This non-invasive test is performed to evaluate the functioning of sweat gland, detecting abnormalities in the ionic balance of the sweat. It is focused on small nerve fibers for accurate results.


Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Test of the action of the heart using ultrasound waves to produce a visual display, used for the diagnosis or monitoring of heart disease. This test is used to assess the structure and function of the heart, providing more detailed information than a typical x-ray picture.
Men whose blood test confirms testosterone deficiency and are experiencing symptoms such as low libido, fatigue, muscle loss and weakness, and sleep problems may consider testosterone replacement therapy to help improve these symptoms.

Hearing Test


A hearing test provides an evaluation of the sensitivity of a person's sense of hearing. The tests measure how well you can hear sounds that reach the inner ear through the ear canal.

Ultrasound is an imaging method that uses high-frequency sound waves to produce images of the organs. The main purpose of the ultrasound scans is to find valuable information for diagnosing and treating various diseases and conditions.

Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)

Vaso Scan

MCI causes a slight but noticeable and measurable decline in cognitive abilities, including memory and thinking skills. A person with MCI is at an increased risk of developing Alzheimer's or another dementia.
It is a non-invasive test that provides an accurate evaluation of elasticity and stiffness of the arteries determining the risk of coronary disease and analyzes the functioning of Autonomic Nervous System (ANS). 

Nerve Conduction Velocity Test


NCV is the measurement of the speed of conduction of an electrical impulse through a nerve. NCS can determine nerve damage and destruction.

The Video Electronystagmography (VENG) test is scheduled to evaluate the balance function of the inner ear. This test helps doctors to discover the cause of dizziness and/or other problems. 

Onsite Blood Draw

Weight Loss

Doctors need to take blood samples to detect the reason behind patients’ sickness or diseases. Our staff will put you at ease, draw your blood in an anxiety-free environment, and get you on your way quickly.

Medical weight loss is weight management based on medical scientific evidence that targets the root causes of obesity and weight gain. The doctor provides the treatment and guidance necessary to help you achieve weight loss and maintain it for life.